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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Join My Group

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Help feed hungry cats!


Help feed hungry dogs!


Help Haiti

Make a purchase from these websites:
And $1.00 per order will go to Haiti. Please these people need our help!


Starting January 15, 2010 I will be taking names for a drawing. If your name is drawn, you can win some really great prizes. Some of the prizes include Greeting Cakes, Care Packages filled with yummy cakes and other sweets, Gift Certificates to Noah's Ark Animal Workshop and much more. All you have to do is email me your name and email address. I will contact you via email if your name is chosen. Good luck!!
Send name and address to: noahsarkrep@gmail.com Winners will be drawn on February 14, 2010. Your name and email address will only be used for contest purposes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I just wanted to let you know about a great new
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SolidTrust Pay is one of the most flexible and inclusive payment processors on the Internet. To thank our members for sharing this opportunity, SolidTrust Pay's Affiliate Program pays you money for your referrals.


This is a great place to advertise

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Starting January 15, 2010 I will be taking names for a drawing. If your name is drawn, you can win some really great prizes. Some of the prizes include Greeting Cakes, Care Packages filled with yummy cakes and other sweets, Gift Certificates to Noah's Ark Animal Workshop and much more. All you have to do is email me your name and email address. I will contact you via email if your name is chosen. Good luck!!
Send name and address to: noahsarkrep@gmail.com Winners will be drawn on February 14, 2010. Your name and email address will only be used for contest purposes.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another Prize

Another Prize

Another Prize

"Cup" Cake. You will receive a mug along with a cake mix and frosting mix. You make the cake right in the mug. Very cool.

Another Prize

Sweet, Sweet Yummy Box (This Sweet Care Package includes a White cake with a special Got Yummy Cake label, micorwave popcorn, skittles, gummy bears, Dum Dum Suckers and Bazooka Bubble gum. This is a great gift for anyone who is away from home or just likes their treats Sweet, Sweet and Yummy).

Another Prize

Study Break Box (This Gift Box is great for any student heading into exam time! The box is filled with goodies including suckers, chocolate candies, popcorn, cookies and a "Study Break" Cake).

Another Prize

Chocolate Yummy Box (This Care Package is a Chocoholics delight! Included in this box is a Got Chocolate Cake (chocolate cake), Hot Chocolate Packet, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Tootsie Pop Suckers, Chocolate Kisses and M & Ms).

$25 Gift Card to Noah's Ark

Now this is a great prize!

Ferggie the Frog and Hearts Bear

Another Prize

OK here are some of the prizes I will be giving away.



Do you believe in ghosts? I want to hear your stories. If you have a true ghost story to tell, email me at noahsarkrep@gmail.com with your name, email address and story. The best TRUE story will win a great prize. I have many things to give away and you never know what you'll get. But hey, FREE is a great thing right?

Do You Believe?

Ghost Stories Visit True Ghost Tales to read true ghost stories.

Your Color Personality Quiz


Pisces Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Pisces  February 19-March 20 Diplomacy is the word for today. Whether you are dealing with work or personal business matters, you seem to know just what to say to get what you think is a fair deal. It is not a sign of weakness to obtain some advice if you feel you need it. You could be seen by others as just the person to be put in charge of some project requiring a conservative mind. Be aware that someone may be out to irritate you on purpose today. Knowing this you can quite happily go on about your business. Marriage and other close relationships give rise to great expectations, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. This is a time to enjoy and appreciate your ties to others. You seek and promote harmony. You may be able to enjoy your own life circumstances today.

Aquarius Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Aquarius  January 20-February 18 Avoid risks with money or business today. There are delayed decisions at work and at home and if you do not rush things, magical things will happen. Patience is the only way to handle today and tomorrow's frustrating events. Do not be surprised if, after you have begun a project, there are interruptions. Starts and stops may be commonplace. Stopping when energies demand it may save you from making mistakes later. Many people around you today will help you with your work if needed. Protect company secrets. Follow your intuition when you are in doubt. By the end of the day you will be very pleased at your progress. This evening would be a good time to work on your book or an art project; enjoy young people and talk to your family members.

Capricorn Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Capricorn  December 22-January 19 Interaction with others is the norm today. Some heavy workload has just been or will soon be completed. You have a couple of hours each day to just relax and enjoy. Stress can be addictive--it is time for you to enjoy a life with less stress. With your sense of humor, you will teach others to laugh and better enjoy the art of living. Meditation brings self-awareness and that can set you free from being a prisoner of your own device. Discovering new and positive avenues of working and thinking is a plus and becomes natural now. A change in financial status is possible and can move in unexpected directions. This is a very nice day; filled with some renewed appreciation for all that is beautiful and fine. You enjoy a visit with an older person tonight.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Sagittarius  November 22-December 21 Career or vocational decisions and practical advice to others could wait a while. Instead, you may find yourself feeling more private and just not in the mood to extend your energies. If you are put in a place to give advice, you might ask that the request be made after you have had an opportunity to refurbish your energy. If you are working, you will need to be taking your breaks so that whatever frustrations you feel from others do not accumulate in your own person. Someone close to you understands you and is supportive of your needs. You could stop a while to contemplate some new solutions and by this afternoon, you will be back in the swing of things. This evening you will do well in activities that include children, young people and home.

Scorpio Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Scorpio  October 24-November 21 Work gets underway in productive ways. Good humor wins out over a confusing day. Good feelings and hard work come easily when you take time to move and exercise. Breaks for exercise can create some wonderful new zeal for better motivation in the afternoon. You can continue to focus on business affairs. One minute you feel you need emotional stimulation and another moment you want intellectual stimulation. It sounds as though you need to enjoy a night out on the town with a romantic partner! Something really cool comes your way this evening. If you are with a partner, get out and go to a play, enjoy some stimulating entertainment or a fun dinner out at a new restaurant this evening. Later there will be time for romance.

Libra Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Libra  September 23-October 23 The work place is full of activity. Much is accomplished today. You are entering a phase of emotional directness and impulsiveness now--one marked by forceful and powerful feelings. Sometimes this is good, but sometimes this is not so good; your job is to learn how to know the difference in your decision making. This may also require a presence of mind and real patience in order to avoid flare-ups. Emotional beginnings, perhaps a fresh start is a positive step; a new outline or plan is in order. It is still a good time to travel--although you could experience delays. Be careful of your expenses; something you thought you wanted at this time, may hold no interest tomorrow. Any ongoing problem with a member of the family will be solved soon.

Virgo Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Virgo  August 23-September 22 You may feel separated from the normal flow of energies around you today. One good way to get a focus on your day is to write down your ideas. The power of organization on a social scale--business, political and such--seems to take on a larger than life aura as you enter into a new cycle. It's as if ambition and authority are answers in themselves, rather than only a means to an ideal objective. The evening brings with it opportunities to visit with family members that have been out of touch lately. Sharing ideas and making big plans for future activities may bring your energies back up to par. Conversations, picture albums and food all come into play before the evening has ended. Everybody has something encouraging to say.

Leo Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Leo  July 23-August 22 This is a time of ambition and responsibility, a time to keep your cool and pace yourself. Follow-up on all the projects you have in progress now. Be as cooperative as you can in the work place. Working with others should be easy today. In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best. Your investigative skills are finely tuned. Ideas and interaction with authority figures are positive and upbeat. Science, philosophy or religion are likely to seem as if they hold the ultimate answers at this time in your life. True wisdom lies in discovering that there are no ultimate answers; only good questions. Ideological crusades can set your head spinning; distant journeys can stir your soul. Social connections are likely this evening.

Cancer Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Cancer  June 22-July 22 There may be challenges, blocks and obstacles this month but you are learning how to weed through the unessential. Allocate duties and you will have help in solving problems quickly. If you do not have that authority, ask for it; for the good of the company. Looking back over past events you will have a feeling of accomplishment--this will enable you to move forward. Looking at how the past fits in to your growth and achievements now, will gain you much satisfaction. Radical change is coming, not now, but in the near future and you will be ready for these changes. Although you may be feeling burdened with responsibilities just now, you should soon begin to have more time for your personal and family needs. Enjoy the evening.

Gemini Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Gemini  May 21-June 21 This is a great time to be with others and to work together. You may be asked to do a particular job. This is a good time for you to coax a better paycheck for yourself. You may realize some positive development to a couple of your professional goals at this time. Money matters are strong for the next few weeks. A visitor in your home this afternoon will compliment you on your creative style. Through this visit with a friend, you may find constructive ways to work out a trade for some skills. They help you and you help them. Unsettled issues with a life partner could continue to be a sore point unless you do some deep analyzing and reevaluation of the circumstances; a compromise may be in order. The evening brings satisfaction.

Taurus Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Taurus  April 20-May 20 Big changes affecting your career, status and reputation are likely now. Daring to be different gets you noticed and could get you ahead in ways you never expected. Mental development at high levels is a major theme in your life now. This is a time to broaden your horizons both intellectually and spiritually. Education, publishing, broadcasting, legal and political interests offer opportunities-only if you are paying attention. This afternoon is a wonderful time to bond with your loved one or to take a risk and meet someone new. It is easy for you to act according to how you think you are expected to act--now would be a good time to become aware of a more realistic you. If you would not like to have yourself as your own best friend--ask why not!

Aries Horoscope for Jan. 19, 2010

Tuesday, January 19 2010

Aries  March 21-April 19 You may decide to share some important information with co-workers in order to review the issues and make the points clear in your own mind. However, be very careful with whom you share this information. Others value you for your ability to make practical decisions concerning group issues. Ideas and thoughts will have greater meaning and form just now. You may be very articulate or forceful in speaking or communicating. People will understand just what you mean--this is a favorable time. You do best in jobs that offer you opportunities to interact with a variety of people, from a variety of backgrounds. This evening you might consider a romantic book or take in a movie. You will gain the attention of a loved one later tonight.

Shelbie the wonder dog. She gets hit by a car and isn't injured and she doesn't even whimper. She must have a titanium butt. LOL
This is my mom's beer drinking cat, Bailey! Seriously this cat loves to drink beer and wine.

What kind of muffin are you?

You Are a Lemon Poppy Seed Muffin

You are smart, sophisticated, and savvy.

You love taking risks, and you are the first to know about new trends.

You are curious about the world and tend to have many interests.

You also are very talented. It sometimes seems like you are good at everything.

You are very social and inclusive. You'll be friends with anyone.

Even though you're very cultured, you're not a snob.

The Snowflake Test

You Are Unique Because You're Patient

Unlike most people, you aren't in any rush. You are able to savor every moment of life.

You don't mind waiting for something good to come your way. The wait makes it even better.

You are rare in your ability to step back and see the bigger picture. You refuse to let yourself feel anxious or impatient.

Like a snowflake, you take your time getting where you're going. The world will wait for you.

Fun Stuff

The woman seated herself in the psychiatrists office. "What seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked.

"Well, I, uh," she stammered. "I think I, uh, might be a nymphomaniac."

"I see," he said. "I can help you, but I must advise you that my fee is $80 an hour."

"That's not bad," she replied. "How much for all night?"

A guy had been feeling down for so long that he finally decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist.

He went there, lay on the couch, spilled his guts then waited for the profound wisdom of the psychiatrist to make him feel better.

The psychiatrist asked me a few questions, took some notes then sat thinking in silence for a few minutes with a puzzled look on his face.

Suddenly, he looked up with an expression of delight and said, "Um, I think your problem is low self-esteem. It is very common among losers."


Starting January 15, 2010 I will be taking names for a drawing. If your name is drawn, you can win some really great prizes. Some of the prizes include Greeting Cakes, Care Packages filled with yummy cakes and other sweets, Gift Certificates to Noah's Ark Animal Workshop and much more. All you have to do is email me your name and email address. I will contact you via email if your name is chosen. Good luck!!
Send name and address to: noahsarkrep@gmail.com Winners will be drawn on February 14, 2010. Your name and email address will only be used for contest purposes.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Quit Smoking!

From our sponsors:

Cash 4 Your Opinion


Starting January 15, 2010 I will be taking names for a drawing. If your name is drawn, you can win some really great prizes. Some of the prizes include Greeting Cakes, Care Packages filled with yummy cakes and other sweets, Gift Certificates to Noah's Ark Animal Workshop and much more. All you have to do is email me your name and email address. I will contact you via email if your name is chosen. Good luck!!
Send name and address to: noahsarkrep@gmail.com Winners will be drawn on February 14, 2010. Your name and email address will only be used for contest purposes.

The Beginners Tarot Guide

Click Here!


Click Here!

Get Started Absolutely FREE...TODAY!

And no this will not make you rich! But it will give you some extra spending cash.

Sell Your Stuff

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Coming Soon....................

We are not sure of our "debut" date but Melissa and I will soon be starting an "All Occassion Consulting" company. Will keep everyone posted.


People I know, Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Kids – Make a list of everyone you know – start dialing, visiting, mailing, ….
ASK – everyone, everywhere, all the time
Offer to do fundraisers – local charities, churches, scouts, sports programs, class fundraises, PTO, etc.
Carry flyers, Success flyers, etc with you at all times (Make sure name, phone number, email address on everything)
Show on the road – always have an animal dressed in clothes in your car at all times
BOOTHS – craft fairs, craft shows, bazaars, street fairs, women’s shows, job fairs, business fairs, kids shows…
Hold an open house, invite everyone you know, encourage bring a friend
Offer to speak or demonstrate for a local group, club, organization
Wear your business – Noah’s Ark t-shirt– or any logo items you may have.
Leave your flyers everywhere
Hang flyers all over town – where allowed
Run ads in newspapers, school programs, sports programs, alumni books, yellow pages, craft show flyers, etc
Use positive language – “when you hold a home workshop” not “If”
Book parties ASAP – don’t let the interest grow cold
Ask for referrals “Do you know someone who might be interested”
Join your local Chamber of Commerce
Call big companies in the area and offer to do “classes” for the kids of clients, when they hold trainings, meetings, seminars.
Do a customer, hostess mailing every couple of months.
Random calls to kids and party businesses in yellow pages to see if they will keep your flyers on the counter
Keep parties fresh, exciting and fun
Leave your business card in all “drawing bowls” in businesses
Leave business card or flyer with all tips, when paying bill at Dr office, beauty salon (every time you write a check)
Follow through on all leads while they’re still warm/hot
Include flyers, business cards with all bills
Have husband, significant other promote your business at work – send along flyer and sample
Give each guest 2 or more business cards to pass out
Program your answering machine to advertise specials
Keep a few pictures of kids holding animals with you at all times. Either a flip book or color copy/reduce and put in baseball card holders on a key ring
Anytime anyone notices an animal you have with you, give them a flyer
Take the kids to restaurants that have playlands and have a few animals on the table while they play
Stay while your kids have their practices and work on business (label flyers) so that other mothers can see what you are doing
Call your customers/hostess anytime something new comes out – new product, new catalog, new special
Love what you do and make sure it shows at all times.
Send flyers, pictures of your kids with animals, to all friends/relatives out of state
Remind yourself not to prejudge – Noah’s Ark can be and is for everyone: all income levels, all ages, all races, both male & female, handicapped, stay at home mom’s, full time workers, busy people, not so busy people… You never know!!
Ask every single adult at a workshop or party if they would like to book
Don’t be afraid to give the hostess an extra flyer or two. Flyers are great advertising tools
Approach those in the party aisles at stores to see if they have ever heard of Noah’s Ark or would like info
Be ready to tell people in a short 30 second commercial what you do, make it catchy so that they are interested
Attend group meetings, regional seminars, convention, etc to keep your enthusiasm high and your idea box full
Network with other demonstrators to keep ideas fresh and your enthusiasm high
Don’t be afraid to ask questions of upline, downline, sideline, other demonstrators
Video tape your workshop – look for enthusiasm, interaction with guests/hostess, are you asking for bookings?
Take a look in the mirror – would you book a show, do business with yourself?
Send a catalog to a co-worker that has moved.
Send a catalog to your Tupperware, Discovery Toys, Etc. Reps or Exchange Shows.
Post a catalog in the teachers lounge at your child's school.
Post a catalog in the employee lunch room.
Advertise in your Alumni newsletter and or local newspaper
Give a Catalog to the receptionist at your doctor's or dentist's office
Advertise in your church bulletin
Host a show before or during a PTA meeting.
Host your own show. Could even be a fund raiser for your favorite charity.
Get a list from welcome wagon. New people may be looking for a consultant or a new job in your area.
Participate in a school fund raiser
Have your Husband or significant other promote the products at work.
Have you and your family members wear at shirt or sweatshirt promoting your product. .
Set up a display at a mall.
Put an ask me button on your purse or coat.
Hold an opportunity night.
Random mailings. Open a phone book and randomly choose.
Mention Hostess half price gifts and other benefits at least three times per show. .
Share upcoming specials at shows and during phone calls.
Encourage Hostesses to rebook a show in 6-9 months. She'll be the first to see and try new products.
Encourage relatives to book a show.
Offer to do a class for your local grocery store.
Start an email address book of customers who want to know what the monthly specials are, Don't forget to mention the
hostess specials, if there isn't one create one.
Encourage your hostesses and guests to refer potential hostesses to you.
Be friendly and enthusiastic.
Follow through on every booking lead.
 Ask, Ask, Ask
Use open ended questions, especially when dealing with bookings.
Read sales, self improvement, and positive thinking books.
Call at least two potential hostesses every night.
Dream and imagine the possibilities
Set goals and review them constantly, post them where you can see them.
Ask friends to help you get started or reach a certain goal.
Use hostess flyers.
Use postcards and or newsletters to continue to spark interest.
Follow up phone calls to particularly interested guests. They may decide later to have a show.
Have the hostess tell why she decided to have a show.
Give products as gifts or donations.
Don't be shy talking about your products or business.
Smile when talking on the phone. .
Be prepared to answer questions about your work.
Write down names of people who owe you a favor and then follow up.
Call the most familiar people first.
Spend time every day working on some aspect of your business.
Be willing to share the business opportunity.
Call anyone who has said maybe or sometime.
Contact schools.
Leave your flyers on bulletin boards or in local businesses.
Talk about upcoming specials with everyone.
Offer a bonus for hostesses who book on days or months you need and extra show.
Give extra service and time to good customers-they will be repeat hostesses and potential consultants.
Carry a note pad to jot down names as you think of them.
Let guests keep a sales brochure to keep on hand or pass around work.

BOOKING LINES (done at workshops)

*Use these lines throughout your workshop, when giving your booking talk to help increase your bookings from each show.
“I know at least ½ of you are going to want to have your own show”
“I’d love to come into any one of your homes because it’s so easy & fun.”
“Being a hostess is an absolutely wonderful experience because of the free collectibles and fun with friends.”
“______ is not only our hostess, but a very smart lady as well. She is taking advantage of our generous hostess plan. _______________(any special incentives you offer, or that is currently happening).
“I’m sure you’re all going to find so much you’ll just have to have that you will need to have your own party to earn some of it for free.”
“Did you know that my hostess receive on average ______________ worth of collectibles and clothing”
“What’s involved in being a hostess? Having fun & inviting your friends. That’s it! I do the rest. I have hostess packets right here and will bring all my collectibles to choose from”
“First guest to schedule a home workshop between now and __________ will receive…” (Your choice-Free t-shirt, outfit, etc)
“ “Why not reward your kids with a party of fun with friends and a generous hostess program?”
“Isn’t this fun. I’ll bet you want to have a night like this with your kids friends, too!”
“For those of you one a budget, you can get all the items on your wish list by hosting a show”


* Use the word ‘collectibles’ – not animals
* Always personalize statements comments (hostesses name, customers experiences)
* Get previous hostess to give testimony
* Create immediacy –let them know when deadlines are, that you’re calendar is filling…
* Watch lingo – Bookings, recruit, - these are industry words
* Use affirmative words – “Your kids ARE going to have fun tonight” “You WILL just love this collectible.” “You CAN do this”
* Know your schedule or keep a calendar with you so that you ar READY to book shows
* PRACTICE your scripts, lines so that you know them by heart and they come natural. And so you can ad lib as need be based on objections, customer base.
* Make them want to book with you – spoil hostess, use names a lot, make friend with your guests/hostess – people do not hesitate to invite people they are comfortable with into their homes. Smile, laugh. Go with the flow. Relax.
* Know your hostess program and what the value is of it…

(done at workshops)

B – Begin by Asking everyone
O – Open Minded
O – Optimistic
K – Keep at it
I – Include door prize sheets in your WS
N – No is not to be taken personally
G – Give incentives for bookings if needed
S – Show your enthusiasm and love of the product

Why do one?
a. Personal commercial
b. Heart of your business

Parts of a Booking Talk
a. Build hostess up
b. What’s involved in being a hostess
c. What’s in it for them
d. Immediacy
e. Presentation – with a smile and enthusiasm or with eyes cast down and teeth gritted? Do you want to do their show or not?

Believing Actions
a. Do you have hostess packets with you? How many?
b. Do you have dates on your calendar your willing to do parties on?
c. Do you ASK for the bookings?
d. Do you practice your talk, your presentation? Do you know it by heart?

When to do one?
a. At beginning of workshop – when talking about how smart current hostess is…
b. During workshop
1. As guest ooh-ahh over the Collectibles
2. Anytime a guest says, “Oh, I want it all…”

Booking Scripts

1. Phone calling -
“________, I’m so excited about this new special Noah’s Ark is offering and thought of you right away. I know you’ve always had great workshops and your kids love the animals. Would you like to gather a few friends and take advantage of this ___________ special? Which is better for you ______________ (list a few dates)”

2. Phone calling -
“_______, I’m so excited about this new special Noah’s Ark is offering and though of you right away. I know in the past you’ve expressed an interest in what I do and now would be the perfect time to host your first workshop. Would you like to gather a few friends and take advantage of this special offer? Which day works best for you, I have the following available_____________

Phone calling -
“ _________, I am so excited to share what I’ve been up to lately. Have you ever heard of Noah’s Ark Animal Workshop? (NO), It’s a great company that allows me to help kids discover something creative and relaxing. I’m hosting an open house on ________and I’d love to have you come. I am offering a special prize for those who bring a friend. I will send you a formal invitation reminder in the morning.”

4. Phone calling
“I just became a crew member, and I’m so excited about teaching kids to make their own stuffed animal! I’m calling because I knew you would want to be one of the first to hostess your own home workshop and share the fun with your friends kids” “ We have a wonderful hostess program, 11 collectable animals and adorable clothes to dress them in.” “I know you and your friends will be amazed at the quality of these collectable animals!” “Is there a day of the week or time that is best for you to hold a workshop?”

5. Phone Calling
“___________, Is this a good time? My name is _________ I met you at _________party. Your child seemed to really enjoy him/herself. I am scheduling workshops for February and would like to offer you the chance to earn great hostess only specials by sharing a day of stuffing animals with your friends kids. Is this something that would interest you at this time? (If no, ) Would you like me to call you in the future with new specials or add you to my mailing list? (If yes) I have the following dates available, what works for you?

6. At Workshops
“If you had a great time today, why not open your home to a fun day of making some new fluffy friends. We can plan a workshop to meet yours & your friends needs. I have the following dates open _________”

Offline and Local Marketing Ideas

Check out the ads for those who offer daycare in their homes. A lot of home daycare providers are interested in fun things for the kids to do.

Local Job Fairs! Set up a table with info along with catalogs and business cards! I get a lot of good leads for both recruiting and party hostesses at Job Fairs!

Contact your Local Temp Agencies and send them a big packet of info about the Business Opportunity that you offer! A lot of Temp Workers are also looking for home businesses to get into!

Contact Your Local Colleges and see if you can set up a table or booth with info about your business Opportunity. College kids love Work At Home businesses to help them earn some $$$ while going to school!

Hang up fliers in your community where people get together. For example: Laundromats, grocery store memo boards, church memo boards, community centers, Gyms, YMCA and so forth.

Donate to Charity! It’s a business tax deduction plus it’s a GOOD THING to do!

Sponsor Local Contests! i.e. radio stations, newspapers, tv stations, magazines, any local agency that sponsor contests! Don't forget bingo halls and schools too!

Look for local ONLINE classified Ads...I run 2 online low cost paid advertising on 2 different LOCAL classified ad websites! I pay $8.00 a month for one and $10 a month for the other! I get around 25 requests every month from each....and about 5 new consultants from each on the average!

Where a pin on you at all times that says "Ask me about my Noah’s Ark Opportunity”

Staple lollipops to your business cards! When out in public and someone asks you about your opportunity, pull out your cards and give them one!

Get a vinyl cling made for your car that says something about your business and add it to your car window or add a bumper sticker.

Take out ads or do advertising in College Year Books, High School Year Books, High School or College Athletic Program Books, High School or College PLAY Program books etc! All of them have advertisers listed in the back! You can either advertise your business opportunity or your products or make a combo ad!

How To Book Outside The Home (If joining Noah's Ark under me)

Send out post cards to your past hostesses and guests letting them know of new catalogs, hostess specials, or exciting challenges.
Send a card to each guest who doesn't book a party. Dear...Thanks for attending ____ party. If you would like to have a party or just a silent book party, you can earn free merchandise or if you would like to place another order, please feel free to give me a call. Thanks for your order. P.S._____ earned $____ in free merchandise.
Take 7-10 flyers, hole punch the corners, tie them up with curly ribbon and hang them from the bulletin boards or phone poles where others hang their yard signs. Tons of people view those places on an average, nice weekend and some may want or need your product.
Do the same as above, and carry a pack or two in your car with you. On plain white paper make a flyer that says " (company name's here for you take one, they're FREE!" When you go to the mall, place the flyer in you car window, and hang the flyers with ribbon from your antenna or roll the ribbons up into your windows so the flyers hang from the outside of your car. Easily removed when you are driving, take no time at all to place out when you go to the grocery store, the mall, the park or anywhere your car will be parked in a crowded parking lot for more than 5 minutes.
Never leave home without flyers. And never leave a place or area without leaving at least 5 behind. Whether you hand them out personally, or place them in the bathroom, in empty shopping carts at the grocery store (where they pile up for new customers going in), on car windshields or anywhere you can possibly think of. The only way to find new customers is to LOOK. And to look, you need to be OUTSIDE your home!
Place your business card in give away boxes. You never know who is going to look at them and need or want what you have to offer.
Show your Business! Wear a button or logo item where ever you go. Great conversational piece.
Be a Sponsor in a contest. Remember to always include a catalog, ordering information, booking information and sponsoring information. Again you never know who might need or want what you have to offer.
The telephone is your best friend, use it. Make at least 5 calls per day for bookings and recruits. Do this faithfully and assure yourself a full date book.
A walk-in or open house. To acquaint neighbors and your community with you product, send invitations to friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Give brochures to the newspaper person, put notices up in supermarkets. Advertise that there will be refreshments and a chance to see your product.
Mystery Hostess Party. The consultant has a party in her home and awards the hostess credits to the guests. The credits can be divided up or given in different ways. For instance, name goes in for each $25 bought.
Trade shows, fairs, expos, events. Check on local activities and reserve well in advance. Consult your up-line on methods and set ups.
Advertising. Newspapers and penny-savers.
Brochures. Distribute your catalog or mini brochure at dentist, doctors, or anywhere you do business.
Business referrals. Real estate office, model homes, flower shops. Any business exchange advertising and verbal referrals.
Offer the hostess an additional gift when she re-books herself with-in 3 months. You may want to offer her an extra incentive for holding 3 shows within a year.
Offer a gift with purchase to encourage orders.
Offer a free product of their choice to people who take the brochure home, share it with friends and family and get 5 additional orders resulting in a certain amount of dollars.

Places to leave marketing pieces

Doctor's Office
Dental Office
Mechanics Waiting Room
Laundry Mats
College Campuses
Back of Bathroom Stall Doors
Hair Salons
Tax Preparation Offices
Orthodontist Offices
Insurance Office
Dry Cleaners
Dairy Queen / Baskin Robbins
Bagel Shops
Donut Shops
Nail Salons
Day Care Centers
Retirement Homes
Model New Home Centers
Real Estate Agent Offices
Corner Stores
In Front of Magazines at Check Out Lines
With Your Tip at Restaurants
With Toll Booth Collectors
Grocery Store Clerks
Video Stores
Dressing Rooms
Bank Tellers
Shoe Stores
Kids Resale Shops
Gymboree Centers
Temporary Staff Offices
Flower Shops
Pet Stores
Dance Studios
Grocery Stores Where You Leave Your Ads
Mortgage Offices
Computer Stores
School Administration Offices
Fabric Stores
The Bakery
Print Shops
Cashiers at Dealerships
Tanning Salons
Vitamin Stores
Sales People At Any Store
Senior Activity Centers
Walk In Medical Clinic Waiting Rooms
Credit Unions
Supply Stores
Park Benches
Bus Stops
Bowling Alleys
Clerks At The Post Office
Gas Station Attendants
Movie Theater Lobbies
Print Shops
Furniture Stores
Place Where You Pay Your Bills
Cable Offices
Water and Gas Utilities
Any Place Where There Is A Woman Receptionist Or Secretaries
Telephone Answering Service
Apartment Leasing Offices
Children’s Clothing Stores

My Star Student!

Just had to tell all of you that my daughter, Danielle, has been "Student of the Week" two weeks in a row now. Her essay on Rosa Parks was so good that it is being displayed in the school showcase. I'm very proud of her! Way to go baby girl Cuckoobird!


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